this will be quick, while liam is sleeping.
our little nearly 10 month old has no teeth. yet. yesterday, last night, and this morning, we have had the crankiest baby ever. what a poor guy. we can only dose him with baby tylenol every four hours. this is teething, and it sucks. maybe it's easier for other babies, but ours is out of sorts.
i don't know if i actually slept at all last night. he was up every few hours and didn't want to nurse, just wanted to cry and be held. or not be held. it was stressful! poor colin, too. usually our night nursings never affect him, but teething took a good chunk of his sleep, too.
so we're all up before 7am today with a crying guy. i can't do anything that will make him feel better, so we decide to sit on the porch swing. liam loves being outside. finally, something that works! colin let's me go back to bed and gives liam a bath (cause he loves those, too). i wake up around 9:30 and find them snoozing like little angels on the couch. well, that totally melts my heart and makes me wish colin could stay home all day with us. like a family sick day. but he goes on in at 10am, and liam promptly wakes up crying again. blah. he doesn't want to nurse, so we read instead. this makes him happy. finally, at 11, i can give him more tylenol. still, he refuses to nurse (our last nurse was around 4:30am) so i have to figure something out. i end up giving him spoonfuls of frozen fruit slush stuff. this succeeds in numbing his mouth and we finally get to nurse around noon. yay!!!! now he is sleeping again, and i hope he will nurse again soon. i am quite uncomfortable :(
maybe he'll have a bunch of teeth when he wakes from his nap. maybe his teething pain will have subsided even without teeth. i just hope he feels better soon. i'm off to join him for however long he'll stay down. we're pretty beat at the macmillan's today *yawn*
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
finger painting and swimming playgroup!
our good friend sarah, mama to noah, hosted a really great playgroup last friday. here's some public photos to share. there were an awful lot of nekkid babies, so here's some not-so-nekkid ones:
liam getting ready to paint with mama.
liam, marie and missy painting. liam liked eating the paint more than anything.
liam and mama making footprints with paint.

a close up view of our fun!
i wanted to put up a pic of swimming fun, but there weren't any without naked baby parts. maybe i'll do some photoshop later...
liam had such a great time playing in noah's pool that we went and got him one, too. daddy took a bunch of photos on saturday in our backyard that i will post as soon as he takes them off his camera.

a close up view of our fun!
i wanted to put up a pic of swimming fun, but there weren't any without naked baby parts. maybe i'll do some photoshop later...
liam had such a great time playing in noah's pool that we went and got him one, too. daddy took a bunch of photos on saturday in our backyard that i will post as soon as he takes them off his camera.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
happy father's day!
colin has thoroughly enjoyed his first (and best) father's day. last night while he was shooting a class reunion, liam and painted! i just found out that my camera is broken, so this is from my phone.

i let colin sleep in until 10! liam and i were up earlier, then i nursed him down for a nap and he got to snuggle some more with his dad. i made some tofu-scrambled breakfast burritos for colin and served him in bed. then we went to fellowship, then to his mom's house for lunch. the food was awesome and we had homemade ice cream for dessert - yum! we all got to spend some more time with uncle k (kyle). last night we relaxed at home and watched the movie 'the 11th hour'(very good, btw). all in all, i think colin had a great day.
i hope all the other dads out there did, too!

i let colin sleep in until 10! liam and i were up earlier, then i nursed him down for a nap and he got to snuggle some more with his dad. i made some tofu-scrambled breakfast burritos for colin and served him in bed. then we went to fellowship, then to his mom's house for lunch. the food was awesome and we had homemade ice cream for dessert - yum! we all got to spend some more time with uncle k (kyle). last night we relaxed at home and watched the movie 'the 11th hour'(very good, btw). all in all, i think colin had a great day.
i hope all the other dads out there did, too!
Monday, June 9, 2008
daddy and liam

here's some cute photos of liam and colin from gage park on sunday. we went to the "boot camp for new dads" BBQ and our friend stacey took these pics. we had a nice time visiting with his wife, ang, and their two adorable munchkins, evander and marley.
saturday we biked to the farmer's market with nikki and zeven and ran into a bunch of friends. once upon a time, i really loathed topeka. i can't believe it, but i actually *love* living here. the saying is true, it's not the place, but the people you surround yourself with. we have so many great friends here. i don't have friendships spanning years yet, but i plan on being here for quite a while.
after farmer's market, we took our respective kids home for naps and lunch. then we all biked together again to the mulvane art fair. it was hot and windy, and it felt mildly dangerous being in some of those tents with the gusty wind. later that evening we went to the marable's house to celebrate justin's birthday. another great evening with good friends. i'm glad we have so many great people in our lives to surround liam. i hope he grows up and feels the same way, too.
colin is doing shoots every day after work at one of the dance studios in town, so we relish the fact that he gets to come home and have lunch with us. it's only for the next two weeks, so we'll survive. we're usually pretty stingy with our family time during the week. hopefully the weather will be good all week so liam and i can get out on our bike. i'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
yeah, he's really that cute
colin, being more technically savvy than i, finally uploaded a bunch of videos of liam. enjoy the cuteness.
here's liam giggling from me clapping:
it apparently takes forever to upload these videos, so i'll post more later when i have more time. liam's about 7 months old in this one.
here's liam giggling from me clapping:
it apparently takes forever to upload these videos, so i'll post more later when i have more time. liam's about 7 months old in this one.
Friday, June 6, 2008
free is even better!
than 50 bucks. i got my replacement phone yesterday, for free! unless the charge shows up on my bill next month. but it would be totally worth it. this phone looks brand new, and they were able to transfer all my pics and contacts. woo-hoo!
the spanish playgroup was fun. darla likes how her mae tai is coming along. we stayed late and visited with her and avery, and melanie and stuart. we also met a spanish speaking mom in class who was very happy to see other nursing moms (darla and me) and through the class leader was able to proudly tell us she was still nursing her little 14 month old, and had nursed her two sons, and planned on nursing for at least two years. yay for mama's milk!
after class, we brought colin lunch at work and got to say hi to nathan and angela. we love going to daddy's work! sometimes nikki and zeven are there, too, and liam gets to play.
we were supposed to have a long overdue dinner with the serenes, but the weather freaked me out. instead, we had sonic and spent the evening making a tornado shelter on pallets in the basement. on pallets due to our basement flooding. the weather really never got bad, although we did lose power. we should have gone to the serene's. i had picked up a strawberry cheesecake i had won earlier for dinner, and once the power had been off for an hour, we decided we should definitely not let it go to waste. i love colin - he has the best ideas! (we only at 1/4 of it).
i'm not doing the calls or babysitting anymore. colin and i had a long talk about these jobs, and he made a good point. we've worked really hard so that i can stay home because we believe liam deserves all the attention i can give him, and so i can take care of the house while colin is working, so we can do whatever we want as a family when he gets home. although my two jobs were small, they still were proving stressful when combined with all of the other stuff in my life. colin said, "would you pay $250 a month to have the easiest life ever? yeah, i would." that's roughly what i was making. i got jim a replacement caller (nikki) and i know the marables will find a better sitter for willow. she deserves more attention than i could give her, with liam still so small and needful (like all babies, really!) but the macmillans are back where we wanted to be. no stress, and lots of time together.
the spanish playgroup was fun. darla likes how her mae tai is coming along. we stayed late and visited with her and avery, and melanie and stuart. we also met a spanish speaking mom in class who was very happy to see other nursing moms (darla and me) and through the class leader was able to proudly tell us she was still nursing her little 14 month old, and had nursed her two sons, and planned on nursing for at least two years. yay for mama's milk!
after class, we brought colin lunch at work and got to say hi to nathan and angela. we love going to daddy's work! sometimes nikki and zeven are there, too, and liam gets to play.
we were supposed to have a long overdue dinner with the serenes, but the weather freaked me out. instead, we had sonic and spent the evening making a tornado shelter on pallets in the basement. on pallets due to our basement flooding. the weather really never got bad, although we did lose power. we should have gone to the serene's. i had picked up a strawberry cheesecake i had won earlier for dinner, and once the power had been off for an hour, we decided we should definitely not let it go to waste. i love colin - he has the best ideas! (we only at 1/4 of it).
i'm not doing the calls or babysitting anymore. colin and i had a long talk about these jobs, and he made a good point. we've worked really hard so that i can stay home because we believe liam deserves all the attention i can give him, and so i can take care of the house while colin is working, so we can do whatever we want as a family when he gets home. although my two jobs were small, they still were proving stressful when combined with all of the other stuff in my life. colin said, "would you pay $250 a month to have the easiest life ever? yeah, i would." that's roughly what i was making. i got jim a replacement caller (nikki) and i know the marables will find a better sitter for willow. she deserves more attention than i could give her, with liam still so small and needful (like all babies, really!) but the macmillans are back where we wanted to be. no stress, and lots of time together.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
car free weekend!
it's pretty busy having a mobile baby in the house, so it's wednesday and i'm just now reporting on our last week and weekend.
first, liam (or colin, possibly) broke my phone. the LCD is totally jacked, although it still lights up. i can dial my voice mail and speed dial colin, but not all of the digits work. we've been trying in vain to locate colin's old phone. last week the verizon guy i talked to said all i could do was purchase a new handset ($150). so then we started to think that we could get a cooler phone for that price on ebay for colin and i would take his current phone. the verizon guy i talked to today let me know that i could pay $50 for a replacement phone that has had it's LCD repaired (that's the cost of the repair) and instead of sending in my phone and waiting, we'd just switch them. so colin is stuck with his good ol' chocolate, and i get to keep my cute pink one. and we saved money. the balance of the universe has been restored. hopefully they can import my phone book. if not, i'll be needing your digits.
saturday we rode our bikes to the farmer's market. the ride was very relaxing through quiet neighborhoods. liam is nearly 20 lbs, and my bike is heavy, so there is no rushing these bike rides. we loaded my basket up with our goodies and headed home. liam fell asleep a bit towards the end (which is dangerous) so i had to hold his helmeted head up for the last few blocks. when we got home we decided to have a BBQ that night and called everyone. not surprisingly, nearly all had other plans. the leweins joined us for dinner, then jory and melissa stopped by to visit, and finally gravy (aaron) came over and stayed the longest. it was a nice evening.
sunday we rode to fellowship, stopping for donuts along the way. liam loves to ride! after service, we rode to las fuentes for a leisurely lunch with the heindels. then home again! later that night we were back at fellowship (this time via car) for movie night. we watched "7 years in tibet" which i had never seen and thoroughly enjoyed and recommend.
this week i've been getting some sewing done on darla's hybrid mae tai. i've learned how to make a pleated pocket and have successfully combined 4 known patterns into this single design. i'll post pics later when it's complete.
some yummy meals i've created this week include "fake tuna" (garbanzo bean) salad, black bean quesadillas, and spring rolls (all i did was the frying part) with homemade "fried" (not really) rice. colin is really enjoying my meat-free cooking, and i am, too. i don't spend as long in the kitchen, clean up is a much faster, and we are composting much more because of the increase in veggies and fruit.
today liam had his 9 month check up. as suspected, he's still perfect (aren't they all, really?) he's 19lbs, 1oz (25%), and 28 1/2" long (60%). which means, compared to other babies, he's tall and skinny. but again, our doc says he's perfect and we're doing a great job. we love dr. nichols, and although he doesn't agree professionally with all of our parenting choices (ie - our refusal to vax until he's older) he's very supportive of these same choices and respects us. he's a great doctor and i'm glad he's liam's :).
tomorrow we are doing a spanish music and movement class for kids and babies. i'm so glad i have the time to pursue these kinds of fun activities with liam, and still have time for the house, myself, and colin (although not in that order!). sometimes i'm just in love with my life *sigh*. it's pretty sweet.
first, liam (or colin, possibly) broke my phone. the LCD is totally jacked, although it still lights up. i can dial my voice mail and speed dial colin, but not all of the digits work. we've been trying in vain to locate colin's old phone. last week the verizon guy i talked to said all i could do was purchase a new handset ($150). so then we started to think that we could get a cooler phone for that price on ebay for colin and i would take his current phone. the verizon guy i talked to today let me know that i could pay $50 for a replacement phone that has had it's LCD repaired (that's the cost of the repair) and instead of sending in my phone and waiting, we'd just switch them. so colin is stuck with his good ol' chocolate, and i get to keep my cute pink one. and we saved money. the balance of the universe has been restored. hopefully they can import my phone book. if not, i'll be needing your digits.
saturday we rode our bikes to the farmer's market. the ride was very relaxing through quiet neighborhoods. liam is nearly 20 lbs, and my bike is heavy, so there is no rushing these bike rides. we loaded my basket up with our goodies and headed home. liam fell asleep a bit towards the end (which is dangerous) so i had to hold his helmeted head up for the last few blocks. when we got home we decided to have a BBQ that night and called everyone. not surprisingly, nearly all had other plans. the leweins joined us for dinner, then jory and melissa stopped by to visit, and finally gravy (aaron) came over and stayed the longest. it was a nice evening.
sunday we rode to fellowship, stopping for donuts along the way. liam loves to ride! after service, we rode to las fuentes for a leisurely lunch with the heindels. then home again! later that night we were back at fellowship (this time via car) for movie night. we watched "7 years in tibet" which i had never seen and thoroughly enjoyed and recommend.
this week i've been getting some sewing done on darla's hybrid mae tai. i've learned how to make a pleated pocket and have successfully combined 4 known patterns into this single design. i'll post pics later when it's complete.
some yummy meals i've created this week include "fake tuna" (garbanzo bean) salad, black bean quesadillas, and spring rolls (all i did was the frying part) with homemade "fried" (not really) rice. colin is really enjoying my meat-free cooking, and i am, too. i don't spend as long in the kitchen, clean up is a much faster, and we are composting much more because of the increase in veggies and fruit.
today liam had his 9 month check up. as suspected, he's still perfect (aren't they all, really?) he's 19lbs, 1oz (25%), and 28 1/2" long (60%). which means, compared to other babies, he's tall and skinny. but again, our doc says he's perfect and we're doing a great job. we love dr. nichols, and although he doesn't agree professionally with all of our parenting choices (ie - our refusal to vax until he's older) he's very supportive of these same choices and respects us. he's a great doctor and i'm glad he's liam's :).
tomorrow we are doing a spanish music and movement class for kids and babies. i'm so glad i have the time to pursue these kinds of fun activities with liam, and still have time for the house, myself, and colin (although not in that order!). sometimes i'm just in love with my life *sigh*. it's pretty sweet.
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