- a trip to mexico
- buying our first home
- liam and i starting to work at our fellowship in the afternoons
- me increasing my commitments to LLL
liam is 20.5 months old and incredibly amazing. he wins hearts and makes friends where ever we go. he loves his friends of all ages - but mimi is definitely his best friend. it is always a better day when we can spend time with her and missy. he loves tractors, trucks, airplanes, and all construction equipment. his gender identity seems pretty solidly "boy". he is combining words into sentences:
- more wabi! (this means more ice)
- there you go
- help, mommy
- i can help you
- water too hot
- daddy car all gone
- daddy at work
- drink water
- other side
liam's illness is what really prompted this blog today. i am so grateful that colin and i have chosen to structure and prioritize our life the way we have. this morning when liam awoke at 6am with a fever, all we had to do was focus on making him comfortable. i got him some ice water and ibuprophen, then followed his lead on the rest of the day. he wanted to nurse around 7:30, and we ended up sleeping until colin came home for lunch at 11. housework is abandoned for the day while liam and i snuggle on the couch watching movies about tractors and farm animals. we will clean later, run errands later, cook real food later. this down time together has to do as much good for him as the ice and ibuprophen.
others who choose a different family structure are forced to miss work, possibly argue about who has to take care of the sick kiddo, who did it last time, whose time is more important, etc. this path is not always easy, but i wouldn't trade it for anything. thanks, colin, for supporting our family in so many ways.