Tuesday, March 18, 2008

our one year anniversary - wow!

yesterday was colin's and my first wedding anniversary. he had to shoot a wedding, but we did get to spend the afternoon together. we had a leisurely lunch at ruby tuesday, where colin gave me the newest post secret book. yay! he's the best. then we went to barnes and noble to kill a little more time. he had to go back and work the wedding, so i went and tried to find something to wear. that is no small task with a child in tow. two hours and $20 later at kohls, i had a cute green shirt and gold sweater to wear with my sailor skirt. i went and had free dinner at the reception and got to watch my husband work it. he is quite talented.

today liam and i went to the library and got to know george, from fellowship, a little more. we had a really nice visit at the cafe, then i brought colin some lunch. we stayed at the studio until 4 with colin, then headed back home. liam had some extended naked time on the floor while i folded laundry and made my reminder calls for jim. liam is practicing his 'crawling stance' and will be mobile before i'm ready. colin made us yummy tacos for dinner, and i made some banana bread from scratch. we all watched the final episode of 'planet earth' and now this happy family is off to bed. *yawn*

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