Friday, May 23, 2008


this is our grand total after selling the car on saturday. in 15 months, since the month after we found out we were pregnant, this is how much debt, medical bills, stupid tax, etc, we have paid off. we did this so i could leave my job and stay home with liam. it was the best decision of our life. some friends teased us for not buying each other gifts for birthdays and holidays, others for not spending money in general. but not us. we knew that with consumer debt looming over our heads and a baby on the way, we had no business (or need) for more stuff.

now, we have my student loans; then we're debt free! i can't wait to call dave ramsey. with the economy the way it is, we're not going to attack the student loans the way we did this debt. we have accomplished only needing around 20K a year to live and eat, and we will throw the rest in our money market account. we think that in 2 years, we can have a huge down payment to put down on land to build. also, this way if gas becomes $15/gallon, we can adjust our budget to accommodate.

but first we're going to celebrate. this weekend we're going to visit the hez and jay in columbia. we love those guys, and i wish we all lived closer. liam is going to enjoy having new kitties to chase, and jay's mom will enjoy having a baby in her arms. what mother with a child over 30 doesn't have baby fever?! glad our offspring can help defer the energy. he's pretty darn adorable, so i hope he doesn't make it worse.

i'm just excited to hang out with heather. we have similar activity levels. and they have cable ;)

other news. here's a picture of my new ride:

yeah - it rocks. the basket is super cool, and it has gears. we bought it on sunday (just stimulating the economy like george wants) but it wouldn't fit on our roof racks. so i rode home from 29th and topeka blvd and got a crash course in riding a trike. it's definitely different. i'll have to re-learn everything once liam's bike seat arrives. here it is with a baby about liam's age in it:

we're still waiting for it to arrive from amazon. we have his little helmet (it has pirates on it - aargh!). i can't wait. hopefully it comes on tuesday :)

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