Saturday, March 22, 2008

manual labor, with baby

today colin, kyle, mandy, mom and i all came out to grandma's property to clear off (i'm not exaggerating) 36 truckloads of brush. remember the incredible ice storm? well, it successfully destroyed most of the tree's branches and the sight was starting to depress grandma. i have not been this tired in a long time. and i even got to take breaks to help with lunch and dinner, and to nurse and change liam. i can't imagine how everyone else feels, although mandy sleeping next to me on the couch since 8pm is a probably pretty indicative.

however, i worked for about 2 hours with liam on my back in my mae tai. i put it on under my coat and then flipped up the hood over his head. it was really cute, and kept him warm and happy. then he fell asleep, and stayed that way. very very convenient. however, raking limbs and loading trucks with 20 pounds on your back does take it's toll. hopefully he's as tired as i am and will let me sleep tonight.

tomorrow it's back to topeka. i have a ton of laundry to do and i'm gearing up for a garage sale thursday morning. i helped nikki with her's on friday and i have the bug now to get rid of everything i don't need in exchange for a bit of cash.

on a side note, we picked up stephen's old high chair while at grandma's today, so i no longer get the wooden 'eddie bauer' one i've been coveting on *sigh*

1 comment:

Hez said...

YAY! I'm glad you have a blog. I wonder about how youse guys are doing every day. :)