saturday morning, 7am. liam is awake. usually he will sleep until about 8 or so. but colin and i put up a garage sale the last 2 days, so liam apparently thought we should wake up and do it again. it was supposed to be my day to snuggle and sleep in. however, colin went into work around 6:30 to finish up the st. patty's day wedding order - so it is most likely unfair for me to be tired. but i am.
the sale was a huge success! we got rid of so much stuff - and made ~350. not bad. i couldn't have done it without nikki and zeven (seen here playing in the mirror).
these really odd things happened during the sale:
1. we were both flirted with. not by hot guys like our husbands, but still. it had been such a long time, i was not quite sure what was happening at first. nice to know i still have it.
2. when not being flirted with, i'm pretty sure we were being mistaken as a lesbian couple. nikki also recently had her hair chopped, and you know all lesbians have short hair.
3. someone thought zeven and liam were twins. now, if being twins meant only being super cute, yeah, i could see it. however, nikki's son is a month older, but wears 18 month clothes. that means he is one big kid. silly people.
all in all it was a good time. we all went out to dinner at hu-hot last night (we discovered this is not just colin's, but also nikki's favorite restaurant). then visited sarah's for noah's first birthday party. liam was quite the ham. it was like showing up in a dress prettier than the bride's. usually noah is just as jovial and loud as liam, but liam was in rare flirty form.
we finally got the spare couch moved out (we had 3 for 2 weeks). colin got to spend some time with eric and i got to curl up with a good book. mandy and her friend will be in town tonight and are taking me out for sushi.
tomorrow i turn 29. i think we'll have a bbq later this week, weather permitting.
liam is finally ready to nurse (and nap!) so i'm back to work :)
We have a Hu Hot, but I've never eaten there. Jay ate there when they first opened and had diarrhea before he left the restaurant, so he hasn't been in a big hurry to go back. :)
i've never had any "issues", i'm just spoiled from years of genghis khan.
Happy birthday!!! I hope you're having a fabulous day. :) I may try to call you a little later. So far today I don't have much of a voice.
PS Colds are stupid.
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