well, other things have all been paid off! except for the car and student loans, we're debt free! we have 1K saved towards what we're upside down on the car, and then we're selling it! this feels pretty good.
this washer is super great, and has a sanitize cycle for when i do my diapers. it also has a delay start on the wash, so you can load your clothes before bed, then have it start later so they aren't sitting damp all night. it also spins your cloths almost dry so you don't have to use your dryer as much. we're putting up a clothes line, too. if we do 8 loads of laundry a week with this machine, it costs $10 a year to operate. i can't wait to start comparing our bills!
the best thing about my washer is it's paid for. it's really neat to pay cash for the things we need. we did it with our bed, and now our washer. oh, our dryer too. the other best thing is this is probably the greatest impact i could have on the environment until we go down to one car.
i feel a little silly since i am so giddy about my new washer! but you'll understand once you see it. and liam's super fresh diapers.
speaking of liam, he's hilarious. he's going to be crawling soon and we have a bunch of videos to post once colin reformats them for the web. stay tuned. it's better than cable.
Yay! Which one is it?? Our washer's about to go out, so I'm shopping around for front-loaders. I think mine will probably be a lower-end model than that one, but it'll still be better (for clothes and the environment) than a top loader. :)
holy shyte! You lucky thing you. Gene would not even look at those front loaders!
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