Monday, June 30, 2008

bleary-eyed blog

this will be quick, while liam is sleeping.

our little nearly 10 month old has no teeth. yet. yesterday, last night, and this morning, we have had the crankiest baby ever. what a poor guy. we can only dose him with baby tylenol every four hours. this is teething, and it sucks. maybe it's easier for other babies, but ours is out of sorts.

i don't know if i actually slept at all last night. he was up every few hours and didn't want to nurse, just wanted to cry and be held. or not be held. it was stressful! poor colin, too. usually our night nursings never affect him, but teething took a good chunk of his sleep, too.

so we're all up before 7am today with a crying guy. i can't do anything that will make him feel better, so we decide to sit on the porch swing. liam loves being outside. finally, something that works! colin let's me go back to bed and gives liam a bath (cause he loves those, too). i wake up around 9:30 and find them snoozing like little angels on the couch. well, that totally melts my heart and makes me wish colin could stay home all day with us. like a family sick day. but he goes on in at 10am, and liam promptly wakes up crying again. blah. he doesn't want to nurse, so we read instead. this makes him happy. finally, at 11, i can give him more tylenol. still, he refuses to nurse (our last nurse was around 4:30am) so i have to figure something out. i end up giving him spoonfuls of frozen fruit slush stuff. this succeeds in numbing his mouth and we finally get to nurse around noon. yay!!!! now he is sleeping again, and i hope he will nurse again soon. i am quite uncomfortable :(

maybe he'll have a bunch of teeth when he wakes from his nap. maybe his teething pain will have subsided even without teeth. i just hope he feels better soon. i'm off to join him for however long he'll stay down. we're pretty beat at the macmillan's today *yawn*

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