Sunday, June 15, 2008

happy father's day!

colin has thoroughly enjoyed his first (and best) father's day. last night while he was shooting a class reunion, liam and painted! i just found out that my camera is broken, so this is from my phone.

i let colin sleep in until 10! liam and i were up earlier, then i nursed him down for a nap and he got to snuggle some more with his dad. i made some tofu-scrambled breakfast burritos for colin and served him in bed. then we went to fellowship, then to his mom's house for lunch. the food was awesome and we had homemade ice cream for dessert - yum! we all got to spend some more time with uncle k (kyle). last night we relaxed at home and watched the movie 'the 11th hour'(very good, btw). all in all, i think colin had a great day.

i hope all the other dads out there did, too!

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