Wednesday, June 4, 2008

car free weekend!

it's pretty busy having a mobile baby in the house, so it's wednesday and i'm just now reporting on our last week and weekend.

first, liam (or colin, possibly) broke my phone. the LCD is totally jacked, although it still lights up. i can dial my voice mail and speed dial colin, but not all of the digits work. we've been trying in vain to locate colin's old phone. last week the verizon guy i talked to said all i could do was purchase a new handset ($150). so then we started to think that we could get a cooler phone for that price on ebay for colin and i would take his current phone. the verizon guy i talked to today let me know that i could pay $50 for a replacement phone that has had it's LCD repaired (that's the cost of the repair) and instead of sending in my phone and waiting, we'd just switch them. so colin is stuck with his good ol' chocolate, and i get to keep my cute pink one. and we saved money. the balance of the universe has been restored. hopefully they can import my phone book. if not, i'll be needing your digits.

saturday we rode our bikes to the farmer's market. the ride was very relaxing through quiet neighborhoods. liam is nearly 20 lbs, and my bike is heavy, so there is no rushing these bike rides. we loaded my basket up with our goodies and headed home. liam fell asleep a bit towards the end (which is dangerous) so i had to hold his helmeted head up for the last few blocks. when we got home we decided to have a BBQ that night and called everyone. not surprisingly, nearly all had other plans. the leweins joined us for dinner, then jory and melissa stopped by to visit, and finally gravy (aaron) came over and stayed the longest. it was a nice evening.

sunday we rode to fellowship, stopping for donuts along the way. liam loves to ride! after service, we rode to las fuentes for a leisurely lunch with the heindels. then home again! later that night we were back at fellowship (this time via car) for movie night. we watched "7 years in tibet" which i had never seen and thoroughly enjoyed and recommend.

this week i've been getting some sewing done on darla's hybrid mae tai. i've learned how to make a pleated pocket and have successfully combined 4 known patterns into this single design. i'll post pics later when it's complete.

some yummy meals i've created this week include "fake tuna" (garbanzo bean) salad, black bean quesadillas, and spring rolls (all i did was the frying part) with homemade "fried" (not really) rice. colin is really enjoying my meat-free cooking, and i am, too. i don't spend as long in the kitchen, clean up is a much faster, and we are composting much more because of the increase in veggies and fruit.

today liam had his 9 month check up. as suspected, he's still perfect (aren't they all, really?) he's 19lbs, 1oz (25%), and 28 1/2" long (60%). which means, compared to other babies, he's tall and skinny. but again, our doc says he's perfect and we're doing a great job. we love dr. nichols, and although he doesn't agree professionally with all of our parenting choices (ie - our refusal to vax until he's older) he's very supportive of these same choices and respects us. he's a great doctor and i'm glad he's liam's :).

tomorrow we are doing a spanish music and movement class for kids and babies. i'm so glad i have the time to pursue these kinds of fun activities with liam, and still have time for the house, myself, and colin (although not in that order!). sometimes i'm just in love with my life *sigh*. it's pretty sweet.

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