Friday, June 6, 2008

free is even better!

than 50 bucks. i got my replacement phone yesterday, for free! unless the charge shows up on my bill next month. but it would be totally worth it. this phone looks brand new, and they were able to transfer all my pics and contacts. woo-hoo!

the spanish playgroup was fun. darla likes how her mae tai is coming along. we stayed late and visited with her and avery, and melanie and stuart. we also met a spanish speaking mom in class who was very happy to see other nursing moms (darla and me) and through the class leader was able to proudly tell us she was still nursing her little 14 month old, and had nursed her two sons, and planned on nursing for at least two years. yay for mama's milk!

after class, we brought colin lunch at work and got to say hi to nathan and angela. we love going to daddy's work! sometimes nikki and zeven are there, too, and liam gets to play.

we were supposed to have a long overdue dinner with the serenes, but the weather freaked me out. instead, we had sonic and spent the evening making a tornado shelter on pallets in the basement. on pallets due to our basement flooding. the weather really never got bad, although we did lose power. we should have gone to the serene's. i had picked up a strawberry cheesecake i had won earlier for dinner, and once the power had been off for an hour, we decided we should definitely not let it go to waste. i love colin - he has the best ideas! (we only at 1/4 of it).

i'm not doing the calls or babysitting anymore. colin and i had a long talk about these jobs, and he made a good point. we've worked really hard so that i can stay home because we believe liam deserves all the attention i can give him, and so i can take care of the house while colin is working, so we can do whatever we want as a family when he gets home. although my two jobs were small, they still were proving stressful when combined with all of the other stuff in my life. colin said, "would you pay $250 a month to have the easiest life ever? yeah, i would." that's roughly what i was making. i got jim a replacement caller (nikki) and i know the marables will find a better sitter for willow. she deserves more attention than i could give her, with liam still so small and needful (like all babies, really!) but the macmillans are back where we wanted to be. no stress, and lots of time together.

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